Thursday, September 13, 2012


It has been a full month since I last posted!  A lot happens in a month so this post will be a quick recap:

First: The Move!  We are officially living in North Carolina.  We've adjusted pretty quickly with the help of so many amazing people.  We love the area, the people and our church!  Our new apartment feels like home...the awesome pool, hot tub, and free starbucks helps with that. :)  We unpacked at lightening speed!  I was so ready to be settled.  I'll be sure to post pictures of the new place as soon as I remember to take them.

Second:  Ministry!  Being in ministry together was a huge reason for Matt and I wanting to be married. This new season is so exciting for us...after a season of "meantime" we are living our dream!  I will say I have never been more aware of how valuable our "meantime" waiting season was.  We learned so much from our time in Columbia and as hard and frustrating as it was at times, I absolutely do not regret a second.
We are now the youth pastors at Church Alive in Fuquay Varina, NC!  Being a part of Momentum Youth has been a great experience so far!  I have loved loved loved being able to get to know the girls! It is so cool how God just sets you up with friends and co-laborers that have passions and vision that complement the passion and vision He's put in you!  We're having our first girls' event in a few weeks and I am really excited!

Most of all, it has been the BEST seeing Matt operate in his element!  I love hearing him preach.  I love seeing him interact with students.  I love his creativity and work ethic... I'm so blessed by him.

This is our first sermon series! Man In The Mirror
Our very first 5th Quarter Bonfire!  Huge success!
One of Matt's points that was a real crowd-pleaser. "Pharaoh is an idiot."
It has been a really fun few weeks.  We're bursting with ideas and the students are so hungry for relationship, accountability and the Word... I'm just a little bit excited. :)

Third: Our very 1st Anniversary!  We have really come full circle in a year!
We celebrated our anniversary by having our first official night with Momentum Youth on September 5.  It was a cool moment for me, reflecting on the ups and downs of our first year of marriage and seeing my amazing husband preach his guts out...doing exactly what he was created to do.  Like I said...full circle.  God is so faithful.  Seriously, go read my first couple of blogs.  He is so so so so faithful!

Eating our cake topper to insure many blissful years of McAndrew-dom. 

 We got to celebrate our anniversary the next day.  And it was awesome. :)  Matt took me to the Renaissance Hotel in Raleigh and we had an amazing dinner and some quality hot tub time!  Just what we needed after a crazy few weeks of moving, unpacking, and getting adjusted a fast-paced schedule.  Also, there's an underground Super Target right beside this hotel.  Ummm.. I was home.

My incredible, anointed, hot husband.
Finally: Baby!  We've still got about 7 weeks to go and I am so ready!  We are not ready, though. haha!  No crib.  No stroller.  No diapers.  No bottles.  Nothing.  It is next on our to-do list!  As we get closer to the big day time moves more and more slowly.  I can't say it enough: I want my body back.  I want to take full, deep breath.  I want to lay on my back.  Most of all, I want meet our baby!

I'm going to leave you with a few of our wedding pictures in honor of our 1st year.  Also, I just really love our pictures. Thanks Carrie Ann!

Our first communion together. 

The changes aren't stopping here!  We've got crazy adjustments coming up pretty soon and I truly believe Matt and I are ready.  This year has been crazy but if you're not changing you're not growing!  We have definitely grown.
Until next time!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

27 Weeks

Time for the weekly update!

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: still gargantuan
Maternity clothes? officially had to buy new bras today...
Stretch marks? still keeping these away!
Sleep: wonderful!  can't wait to not have to pee every few minutes...
Best moment this week: submitting my last major paper for this semester!  feels great!
Miss Anything? tanning, regular clothes...I'd love to be able button a shirt.
tons!  it's getting painful
Food cravings: candy corn..still
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: still nothing and I'm hoping to avoid these for a few more weeks.
Symptoms: heartburn. ugh
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?Off.  my fingers are sausages
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've felt a little irritable this week..Chalking it up to being uncomfortable and still living out of more week!
Looking forward to: finishing this semester of school with As!

Short and sweet.. no energy to be creative on this post.  

Saturday, August 4, 2012

26 Weeks (and Pregnancy Must-Haves)

Pregnancy Must-Haves (for me)
Anyone who has spent for than 5 minutes around me knows how I have dealt with this pregnancy.  
Pregnancy is hard.  And I'm a wimp.
While the experience is fresh in my memory (as I'm still living through it) I thought I would share some of the stuff that has kept me sane...mostly.  This list is not intended to help others as most of the stuff is randomly important to me, but maybe something will aid you in your time of need!
(in no particular order)
 1. Pinterest- As we are in the process of relocating, this Mama is unable to nest.  Pinterest has allowed me to feel creative and accomplished without actually doing anything!  It also helps to get me excited about a new baby (knitted baby hats, anyone?).
2. A Very Sexy Man- My husband has been the most patient, helpful, encouraging, hard-working man during this relatively difficult season of transition.  Not only has he adjusted to the thought of being a new daddy, he's gotten a new job, packed us up and moved us twice, talked me through 2 blood drawings, and remained positive and loving throughout it all.
3. Cocoa Butter Creme- There are more expensive cremes that claim to keep stretchmarks away, but I believe stretchmarks have more to do with skin-type than creme-brand.  The most important thing is to keep your skin uber moisturized to retain elasticity.  I've used this stuff from the beginning and at almost 7 months, still no stretchmarks.'s around $4.
4. SeaBand Anti-Nausea Ginger Gum ($5)- The first 5 months of my pregnancy were brutal.  To be honest, nothing helped my nausea (even prescription Phenergan).  But, this gum was a relief more than other cheap remedies I tried.  
5. Mott's for Tots Applejuice ($2.50)- During my most nauseous months, most drinks did not appeal to me.  This applejuice is very low in sugar and very easy on an upset stomach.  I loaded it with ice...mmm.
6. Liberty University- A month and a half ago I started taking classes again.  I can't tell you how much it did to boost my energy and self-esteem.  Having something to focus on and work toward while pregnant has been REALLY important for me.  I intend to continue with classes after McBaby is born and I'm sure I'll feel even more accomplished then!
7. Candy Corn (2/$1)- My favorite candy.  And it's corn.. so... healthy, right?
8. Moroccan Oil ($18)- This stuff has kept my hair feeling so healthy (I've heard pregnancy can do really good OR really bad things to your hair) and smelling SO good.  Not too many scents were appealing to me for awhile, but this stuff is heaven.
9. Bella Band ($12 @ Target)- Since I refuse to buy maternity pants of any kind, the bella band has allowed me to wear most of my regular jeans and pants so far.  I've heard it's also important to support your baby bump as it grows!
10. Blogger- As you would know from my first blog, I started this to help myself.  I needed to process and record my thoughts as my pregnancy progressed.  It has turned into an addiction!  I know I'll appreciate having this blog to look back on as life moves so quickly!
11. Old Navy Jersey Sundresses ($15)- South Carolina is HOT.  And 112 degree weather does not mix well with pregnant girls and alot of clothing.  Enter this dress.  I have 3.  They're comfy, cute, versatile, and perfect for growing bellies!  Non-maternity too!

There you have it!  Some of my very favorite things for this season!  And now... 

26 Week Update:

How far along? 26 Weeks
Total weight gain:This question is stupid.
Maternity clothes?Still prefer regular clothing in big sizes..
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: I'm waking up earlier and earlier!  Feeling very productive..let's hope this keeps happening.
Best moment this week: I had the best quality time with my mom and sister this week.  We made a day thrifting and searching for deals on stuff to use for pinterest projects!  Heaven.  We had a lake day with some great friends yesterday...And today we bought new couches!  Can't wait to get them out of storage and into our new living room!  2 Weeks!
Miss Anything? so much.  The tanning bed, sleeping on my back, painting my toenails..
He is rolling around a ton!  Late at night it gets pretty uncomfortable as he shifts around.
Food cravings:no real "cravings".. loving some candy corn these days.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no!  knock on wood.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None yet.. I keep waiting for Braxton Hicks.  I'm morbidly curious but terrified at the same time!
Symptoms:Still dealing with the tender spot above my belly button.  And I can't walk up stairs or get out of the car without sounding like an 80 yr old smoker.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?Off.  Still debating the ring tat.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  It has been a really great week...and we're getting closer and closer to our big move!
Looking forward to: Getting settled into our new home.  I go to sleep and wake up thinking about furniture placement, paint colors, meal plans, and creating a cleaning schedule. Who am I?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

25 Weeks

Getting back into the swing of things after a week at the beach is always hard.  But, the countdown to Moving Day is officially on.  We make the treck in just over 2 weeks!  Matt and I are so excited for this new season.  I'm feeling very expectant (and not just 'cause I'm prego. haha) about what God has for us.  We're overflowing with ideas and vision! 

Living with my parents the past few weeks has been such an amazing blessing.  I'm very close with my family and having this intimate time with them before moving and baby arrives has been sweet.  They're so giving and self-less with all that God has blessed them with and Matt and I are truly thankful for them.

I'm ready to unpack.  I'm tired of living out of a suitcase.  I'm ready to be settled.
Pregnant Girl needs to nest!

In other news: I decided on a major this week!  Until now I've been enrolled in Liberty's Interdisciplinary Studies program... which basically meant I had no stinking clue what I wanted to do.  After deciding to pursue my B.S. in Religion with a minor in Church Ministries, I realized I'm 40% done with my degree already!  What?! Still a long road to go, but I'm much farther along than I thought possible!  (To SCSL fam- almost all of my Valley Forge credits transferred with this degree.)

Also, I'm finally posting Baby Announcement Pics!
Here are my favorites:
Take note:  My husband. :)
This sums up how we've felt: "Is this happening?  Yep. Get ready."
Thanks to my awesome and beautiful little sis for making these pics happen!  We'll have maternity pics taken later..

And last but not least:  25 Week Update.
I'm super late getting this posted (I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow..).  Oops.

How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain: I am outgrowing my fat pants... If that gives you any idea.
Maternity clothes? If I could live in sweat pants I would.
Stretch marks? No, praise God.
Sleep: Sleep at the beach was..minimal.  Now that I'm home, sleep has never been better! (minus the 6-7 bathroom trips a night)
Best moment this week: Relaxing on the beach with my family... and then coming home. haha
Miss Anything? the tanning bed.  I know, I know.. I'm a bad person.
Mostly in the early morning and right before I go to sleep.  If I haven't felt him move in a while I get panicky.  I guess maternal instincts really do kick in at some point. ;)
Food cravings: One day this week I really really wanted flaky buttermilk biscuits.  Craving?  Maybe.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been throw-up free for 2 weeks now!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms:I've developed a really tender spot about an inch above my belly button... I'm told it's nothing to be worried about.. but noone warned me!  It hurts to move!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? Officially off.  I'm terrified that if I leave them on I'll eventually have to get them cut off!  Matt and I have discussed ring tattoos so everyone can see I'm married. ;)
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy.. although I've definitely noticed some irritability.. not sure if that's hormones or because I'm so stinkin' uncomfortable.
Looking forward to: Christmas!  I think about it all the time.  Just check out my Pinterest...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

McBaby Gear I'm Likin'

As I'm approaching the 3rd trimester, the reality of having a little boy is slapping me in the face!  Time to buckle down and try to prepare!  I've spent some time researching baby gear and let me say... there is so much crap out there.  I don't even know where to begin.  So, normally I get overwhelmed and just go browse the cute knitted baby hats on ha!  I have made some progress on what kind of stuff I do and don't want.

I've had to get started on a baby registry as some of the greatest friends and family in the world have offered to throw baby showers!  Mostly, Matt and I want diapers, diapers, and more diapers... But, here are some other items that I really like!  I hate pastels and other "baby-ish" patterns.  No giraffes or sheep or really patterns of any kind, much to Matt's dismay. (He likes color!) I go for clean lines, black, minimal.  Anyone who knows me will not be surprised...

1.  Graco Aprica Haven OpenAir Play Yard ($129):  I love this because it is the least ugly pack-n-play I've seen!  It's also light, practical and easy to set up.

2. Britax B-Agile Stroller ($209):  Love this because it's also light, practical, easy on (my) eyes and is safe for infants and toddlers.

3. Joovy Nook High Chair ($139):  High chairs are ugly.  All of them.  Except for this one!  It's also easy to clean, the tray swings open, and easily travels.

4. Jerry Garcia Onesie by TheWishingElephant on ($22):  I cannot tell you how much I love this.  I grew up listening to the Grateful Dead with my dad and immediately sent him a screenshot of this.  He's even offered to buy this for his first grandson!

5.Vest and Tie Onesie by MadiBethCreations on ($23):  So what if I have a hipster baby?

6. Baby Geekery/Nerd Onesie by TheWishingElephant on ($18):  O.M.G.  I know my kid will be the smartest kid alive and this outfit will be proof.  Also, I'm obsessed with quirky and unique onesies.  Sorry, baby.

7. Green Monster Newborn Hat by FashionTouch on ($30):  Newborn picture must have.  Matt is excited to refer to our child as his "little monster" for some, when I saw this I fell in love.

Don't worry, I know alot of baby gear can be bought at Once Upon A Child or off of Craigslist for a fraction of these prices.  I just wanted some direction as to exactly the kind of stroller/highchair/play yard I wanted... Rest assured, I will be scouring discount stores and websites for gently used versions of my favorite stuff!  (The Etsy onesies will be splurges.  I can't get around it.)

I'll be posting some of the stuff that has helped me survive pregnancy next!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

24 Weeks

The past week was eventful!  I went camping with my parents and baby sister in Cherokee, NC.  We go every summer and I am so thankful for our vacation memories!  Matt had to work..missed him a ton.  We're home for the weekend and we leave Tuesday for a week at the beach!  Matt so deserves a vacation and this will probably be our last extended beach trip before little man makes his appearance..  

24 Weeks:

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain: Again... avoiding the scales.
Maternity clothes? Some.  Wearing sun dresses almost every day to try and beat the heat.  At home I stick with sweats. :)
Stretch marks? None!
Sleep: I have been so hot at night!  Not sure if it's because I'm pregnant or if my parents house is just a furnace.
Best moment this week: My family went tubing while in Cherokee and we had a BLAST!  2 hours floating down the river always promises good conversation and a LOT of laughs.  Of course, getting a smooch from Matt after not seeing him for 4 days was pretty great.
Miss Anything? This will probably always be my answer... I miss being a normal size!  Yes, I should embrace pregnancy..but, I feel so huge! And, I have a whole trimester to go.. ugh.
 Tons!  Matt and I went to see the Dark Knight Rises yesterday and baby was going nuts the entire time!  I'm thinking the loud noises and heavy bass in the theater contributed to his aerobics.
Food cravings: Nada.  Still drinking a lot of milk.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I got a wiff of chocolate today and started gagging.  Very strange.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Developed the weird brown line down my belly.  It's called linea negra and supposedly is common in women with darker skin.. I guess this is what I get for all my tanning? (not a scientific theory. ;))
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  It is not a good feeling. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: The beach!  And being done with my glucose test on Tuesday.  I'm really dreading more bloodwork (I do not do well with needles), but getting it over with will be something to celebrate!

Short and sweet this week, but I really wanted to get an update posted.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

23 Weeks

I thought I would start documenting my pregnancy.  I have really been a slacker at taking pictures or journaling about my experience, and I know I'm going to regret it!  No time like the present to begin!

A few weeks ago we had some early maternity pics taken by my wonderful sister.. here's a sneak peak!

20 wk ultrasound pic
Let me say, I have always been a little weirded about ultrasound pictures posted on social media for everyone to see.  But, I am not your typical mommy-to-be.  I feel like I've resisted being pregnant from the beginning, and it is futile. (ha!)  After taking some cute pictures and buying new clothes that FIT, I feel better about myself and more comfortable being open about my personal experience with pregnancy.  So here's a look at utero!

To be clear, I am extremely excited about our little one!  Matt and I, although we feel extremely unprepared, are stoked to be parents!  It is being pregnant that has caused me to shut down a little.  I wasn't expecting the sudden physical changes or the overwhelming attention!  But, now we're halfway there..and I want to embrace all that mommy-to-be-ness has to offer.  (Still, strangers touching my tummy is not acceptable.  It never will be. There are some things I just can't embrace. :) )

Here's the most exciting news...

McBaby is a Boy!
Is anyone surprised?  I didn't think so... 
We are beyond thrilled!

Here are some highlights:

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: ALOT. I'm afraid to know a number.
Maternity clothes? I HATE maternity clothes.  But, I LOVE the Bella Band.  Because of it I'm still in my "fat" jeans. Also, I love sun dresses (in bigger sizes) and other normal shirts bought in larger-than-usual sizes.
Stretch marks? No, praise God.
Sleep: other than 5-6 bathroom trips a night, great!
Best moment this week: Matt finally got to feel some of the baby somersaults! The huge smile he got when he felt baby kick is now one of my favorite memories.
Miss Anything? My clothes! I DREAM about wearing my normal jeans and going shopping for a dress withOUT an empire waist.
He moves a ton! Especially first thing in the morning and when I first lay down at night.
Food cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary.. I love milk, but that is not unusual.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Grilled chicken is never going to appeal to me again. Gag.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No and let's keep it that way.
Symptoms: weight gain and some nausea
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? On! But, I have experienced some swelling in my fingers (Carolina heat may have something to do with that.)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Camping with my family this week and a beach vacation next week!  Matt deserves a vacation and it will be our last one before baby is here!

Monday, June 25, 2012

New News

So much for consistent, weekly blog posts!

I shouldn't be surprised at how life continues to surprise me. I guess the day I'm not surprised anymore is the day I should start making changes!

Some quick updates since I last posted:

Several weeks ago, we had my Great Grandmother's funeral.  She was my namesake and I have some precious memories growing up around her.  I'm blessed to have grown up with such a godly, loving family.  Her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and even unborn great great grandbaby were there to fellowship and celebrate the legacy she left.
I believe in the power of generational transfer, and I am honored to aspire to her legacy of kindness, gentleness, self-control, discipline and love.

Also, Matt's parents came into town last week and we have had a blast!  God really hooked me up with incredible in-laws.  
Friday we went to Folly Beach and had the perfect day soaking up the sun.  Papa T (T-Money) had one goal while in Charleston: to have shrimp and grits at the Hominy Grill. 

We are going to fiercely miss them when they head back to Michigan...

Some pics:

Hominy Grill: Success

Folly Pier
A truly great day with my favorite guy...

More news:

I've finally enrolled in college again!  I am so relieved to start this journey again.  I hesitated to start because the thought of having a baby and embracing many other changes while trying to balance school seemed too much!  But, I know I'm capable and it is now or never.  Needless to say, I am pumped!

Finally, some REALLY big news!  Matt and I have known that our season in Columbia would be ending... we just didn't know the details!  It has been an up-and-down journey as we have prayed through some frustration and impatience and waited for God to present us with an opportunity. Closed doors, confusion, blah blah blah...

We will give details later, but Matt has accepted a position as a youth pastor in NC and we will be moving the end of August!  God has downloaded so much vision into the both of us the past few months, we knew He would present an outlet for all that vision soon.  And here it is!

SO!  College.  Moving.  Baby!  Alot is happening and I am excited (and determined) to keep everyone updated through this blog.  

God really is faithful in His goodness.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Fridays are sacred.

My honey works pretty much 6 days a week.  From the beginning of our marriage, Fridays are 100% for us.  I love Fridays.  And yesterday was a great one.

We slept in.  Which translates, Matt woke me up at 9am.
Cereal and string cheese and poptarts and oatmeal for breakfast.  (Our eating habits haven't matured yet.)

After a few hours at Starbucks (sermon prep-for him, and blogging, facebooking-for me) we packed a bag for a day at the lake.  Lake plans were interrupted by rain, but that didn't stop us from running errands in our bathing suits all day.  SC living at its finest.

We finally got our hands on this:
Has such a cool, southern rock feel.  I love it.  Reminds me of my dad.

And I'm not sure if I've experienced cravings yet, or if I just enjoy justifying my poor eating habits... but I absolutely had to have a snowcone.  Best Husband in the World was even willing to buy a snowcone machine. (Not that he was happy about it.)  Thankfully, through the communicative power of Twitter, we discovered a snowcone truck that travels the neighborhoods of Columbia! 

It is as magical as it looks.

 After 30 minutes of searching (I owe my man...big time.) we found it!  The best part of my day.  Also, the Kona people are so nice and helpful!  Follow them on Facebook here!

We ended our day by finishing our latest TV show obsession.  

 Matt and I first bonded through our mutual love of The OfficeWe both identified with the Jim and Pam romance...I can probably thank them for bringing us together in the first place.  Since The Office, we have yet to find a show we both love.  He tolerates my obsession with House Hunters, CSI, and Teen Mom (I know, it's embarrassing.) and I can only watch Office reruns so many times.  But Dexter has bridged the gap! 

Only 6 more days until Friday...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Kilted Killers

After a little over a week of being purposeful in seeking out every opportunity to operate fully as a true member of society, I officially feel much better about myself.  Duh.

Saturday I followed through on some advice from my hot husband... I wasn't going to.  He told me that I am so determined to feel the way I want to feel in the moment, no amount of wisdom gets through to me...until I have time to argue with myself.  I'm not a fool... I just really like feeling what I want to feel.  Anyway, I talked myself into doing what he told me to do,. despite my best efforts.  

I talked to people who care.  Talked about my feelings.  Pathetic feelings.  And they helped.
And I feel so much better.

I've been able to get more plugged into things that speak to my gifts and talents and "eternal" interests (2 Corinthians 4:18).

And the best part?  By feeling better about myself and my situation, I've been able to fully appreciate what my husband is doing! 

What girl wouldn't want to be married to this guy?

Ministry is a blast and there is absolutely nothing better than loving what you do.  We may not be paid to do this, but I'm so thankful that we're able to.  And I'm so thankful for the people in our corner that allow us to be so involved.
It really scratches an itch.

 There is so much more going on in our life.  So much that it stresses me out to think about, much less post about.  So as I post, I'm sure the rest will leak out.  Not all at once.  Let's take this thing a day at a time.

Life is so good.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Choosing Purpose

The last few months have been... unusual.  And hard.  And unexpected.
So many unexpected changes among the normal changing of the tides.
And I have not fared well.

After feeling sorry for myself and allowing life to happen around me for longer than I care to admit, I'm bored.  One thing I know from my short 22 years is that life lived intentionally is rewarding and satisfying and more apt to be inspired.

I've seen how the pursuit of good and eternal things and time spent with the Lord has a way of energizing and motivating.  You go from ordinary to extraordinary, natural to supernatural, from death to life.  You find yourself hiking through jungles (like when I interned with these inspired people.), standing on a red box in the middle of Madrid (like when my sister worked with these extraordinary individuals), or going to a school that requires much sacrifice in order to gain more (like at this school).

It's good to be reminded of what happens when you force the current of your life to re-direct.

Although nothing is as I expected it to be, it is a certainty that life is good and I have purpose.  Things will continue to change (going back to school, having a baby, moving, etc.) and it is past time for me to embrace the changes and get excited for possibilities!

For me, this blog is way to record the happenings of my life (small and large, good and bad) so I can be reminded..