Saturday, June 2, 2012


Fridays are sacred.

My honey works pretty much 6 days a week.  From the beginning of our marriage, Fridays are 100% for us.  I love Fridays.  And yesterday was a great one.

We slept in.  Which translates, Matt woke me up at 9am.
Cereal and string cheese and poptarts and oatmeal for breakfast.  (Our eating habits haven't matured yet.)

After a few hours at Starbucks (sermon prep-for him, and blogging, facebooking-for me) we packed a bag for a day at the lake.  Lake plans were interrupted by rain, but that didn't stop us from running errands in our bathing suits all day.  SC living at its finest.

We finally got our hands on this:
Has such a cool, southern rock feel.  I love it.  Reminds me of my dad.

And I'm not sure if I've experienced cravings yet, or if I just enjoy justifying my poor eating habits... but I absolutely had to have a snowcone.  Best Husband in the World was even willing to buy a snowcone machine. (Not that he was happy about it.)  Thankfully, through the communicative power of Twitter, we discovered a snowcone truck that travels the neighborhoods of Columbia! 

It is as magical as it looks.

 After 30 minutes of searching (I owe my man...big time.) we found it!  The best part of my day.  Also, the Kona people are so nice and helpful!  Follow them on Facebook here!

We ended our day by finishing our latest TV show obsession.  

 Matt and I first bonded through our mutual love of The OfficeWe both identified with the Jim and Pam romance...I can probably thank them for bringing us together in the first place.  Since The Office, we have yet to find a show we both love.  He tolerates my obsession with House Hunters, CSI, and Teen Mom (I know, it's embarrassing.) and I can only watch Office reruns so many times.  But Dexter has bridged the gap! 

Only 6 more days until Friday...


  1. Addair. I love Dexter. It's so trippy and creepy but so amazing.

  2. You share your music with your Daddy, but your TV/movie, that is something we have in common. You are fortunate to have a honey who likes the same shows. Your Daddy and I have polar opposite tastes when it comes to this stuff! POLAR opposite!

  3. congrats to you! i craved crushed ice and popsicles my whole third trimester.

  4. My husband and I LOVE The Office!!!
