Friday, June 1, 2012

Kilted Killers

After a little over a week of being purposeful in seeking out every opportunity to operate fully as a true member of society, I officially feel much better about myself.  Duh.

Saturday I followed through on some advice from my hot husband... I wasn't going to.  He told me that I am so determined to feel the way I want to feel in the moment, no amount of wisdom gets through to me...until I have time to argue with myself.  I'm not a fool... I just really like feeling what I want to feel.  Anyway, I talked myself into doing what he told me to do,. despite my best efforts.  

I talked to people who care.  Talked about my feelings.  Pathetic feelings.  And they helped.
And I feel so much better.

I've been able to get more plugged into things that speak to my gifts and talents and "eternal" interests (2 Corinthians 4:18).

And the best part?  By feeling better about myself and my situation, I've been able to fully appreciate what my husband is doing! 

What girl wouldn't want to be married to this guy?

Ministry is a blast and there is absolutely nothing better than loving what you do.  We may not be paid to do this, but I'm so thankful that we're able to.  And I'm so thankful for the people in our corner that allow us to be so involved.
It really scratches an itch.

 There is so much more going on in our life.  So much that it stresses me out to think about, much less post about.  So as I post, I'm sure the rest will leak out.  Not all at once.  Let's take this thing a day at a time.

Life is so good.

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you what a true honor it is to have you guys on this journey with us! We will take you for whatever time frame we have you. We have no doubt that someone is going to snatch you guys up. But until then, we press forward! I love you so much!
