Monday, January 13, 2014

LIVE Later: BlessED 1

This week my husband preached on the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5, otherwise known as the Sermon on the Mount.  For the next 2 weeks we'll continue studying some different ideas found in Jesus' sermon that have to do with what blessing is, what it isn't, what brings it, and what repels it.

Our first focus is in verse 3: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven."
What is it to be truly poor?  Impoverished. True poverty is a lack or shortage of necessary things (money, food, shelter).  Those who find themselves in this situation must rely on the help of others.  That help might come in the form of government aid, the church, family, food banks, etc.  In an age of "first world probs" many of us have never experienced true poverty.  This verse is easily misunderstood or even overlooked.
 Jesus is saying that to inherit the kingdom of Heaven you must recognize the impoverished state of your soul and be dependent on and desperate for the help of the Holy Spirit.

In Luke7:36-50 Jesus is eating with some Pharisees when a woman (we can only assume she had been a prostitute) came in and began weeping, anointing Jesus' feet.  At this, the Pharisee questioned Jesus for allowing the woman to touch him.  Uhoh.
What does Jesus do?  He tells a parable.  We all know it:  2 men owe money- 1 man owes a substantial amount more than the other.. both debts are forgiven.  This is a huge deal if you pay attention to context:  in Jesus' time, you were imprisoned until you were able to repay the debt.  Problem: how could you earn money to repay the debt if you were imprisoned?  Exactly.  Life-sentence.
So, both men have had their debts forgiven, thereby avoiding life in prison.
Jesus asks, "Which of them will love the moneylender more?"
Simon responds, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled."
Jesus then brings it all home, in case the Pharisees missed it: He points out that she washed his feet with her tears and anointed him with priceless perfume while the Pharisee didn't even greet Him with a kiss (a big deal at this time in history).
She loved Jesus more because she was aware of the debt that had been forgiven.  The Pharisees had yet to see that they had a debt that needed to be forgiven.

Your sin, no matter how little or how much, gets you the same punishment as every other sinner.

To be poor in spirit, like the woman in Luke 7, is to remain aware of the debt you once owed that has been forgiven.  To be poor in spirit is to be aware of how much we desperately need God.
Paul called himself the "chiefest of sinners."  He was poor in spirit which meant he was fully empowered by God's blessing.

The Pharisees walked in spiritual pride, unaware of their wretchedness and unable to accept the free gift of forgiveness.  If you are spiritually prideful you cannot experience God's grace and blessing.
In order to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ you have to know you need a Savior!

God, help us to remain poor in spirit.  Thank you for loving us freely and without limit!  Thank you for your work on the cross that allows us to experience debt-free forgiveness.  Thank you for your blessing.  Tuck this Word into my heart so that I never forget the revelation.  Amen.

LIVE Student Ministry meets on Sunday nights at 6:30 at Church Alive in Fuquay Varina, NC.
Church Alive's weekend services are Saturday nights at 6pm and Sunday mornings, 9am and 11am.

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