Saturday, August 11, 2012

27 Weeks

Time for the weekly update!

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: still gargantuan
Maternity clothes? officially had to buy new bras today...
Stretch marks? still keeping these away!
Sleep: wonderful!  can't wait to not have to pee every few minutes...
Best moment this week: submitting my last major paper for this semester!  feels great!
Miss Anything? tanning, regular clothes...I'd love to be able button a shirt.
tons!  it's getting painful
Food cravings: candy corn..still
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: still nothing and I'm hoping to avoid these for a few more weeks.
Symptoms: heartburn. ugh
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?Off.  my fingers are sausages
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've felt a little irritable this week..Chalking it up to being uncomfortable and still living out of more week!
Looking forward to: finishing this semester of school with As!

Short and sweet.. no energy to be creative on this post.  

Saturday, August 4, 2012

26 Weeks (and Pregnancy Must-Haves)

Pregnancy Must-Haves (for me)
Anyone who has spent for than 5 minutes around me knows how I have dealt with this pregnancy.  
Pregnancy is hard.  And I'm a wimp.
While the experience is fresh in my memory (as I'm still living through it) I thought I would share some of the stuff that has kept me sane...mostly.  This list is not intended to help others as most of the stuff is randomly important to me, but maybe something will aid you in your time of need!
(in no particular order)
 1. Pinterest- As we are in the process of relocating, this Mama is unable to nest.  Pinterest has allowed me to feel creative and accomplished without actually doing anything!  It also helps to get me excited about a new baby (knitted baby hats, anyone?).
2. A Very Sexy Man- My husband has been the most patient, helpful, encouraging, hard-working man during this relatively difficult season of transition.  Not only has he adjusted to the thought of being a new daddy, he's gotten a new job, packed us up and moved us twice, talked me through 2 blood drawings, and remained positive and loving throughout it all.
3. Cocoa Butter Creme- There are more expensive cremes that claim to keep stretchmarks away, but I believe stretchmarks have more to do with skin-type than creme-brand.  The most important thing is to keep your skin uber moisturized to retain elasticity.  I've used this stuff from the beginning and at almost 7 months, still no stretchmarks.'s around $4.
4. SeaBand Anti-Nausea Ginger Gum ($5)- The first 5 months of my pregnancy were brutal.  To be honest, nothing helped my nausea (even prescription Phenergan).  But, this gum was a relief more than other cheap remedies I tried.  
5. Mott's for Tots Applejuice ($2.50)- During my most nauseous months, most drinks did not appeal to me.  This applejuice is very low in sugar and very easy on an upset stomach.  I loaded it with ice...mmm.
6. Liberty University- A month and a half ago I started taking classes again.  I can't tell you how much it did to boost my energy and self-esteem.  Having something to focus on and work toward while pregnant has been REALLY important for me.  I intend to continue with classes after McBaby is born and I'm sure I'll feel even more accomplished then!
7. Candy Corn (2/$1)- My favorite candy.  And it's corn.. so... healthy, right?
8. Moroccan Oil ($18)- This stuff has kept my hair feeling so healthy (I've heard pregnancy can do really good OR really bad things to your hair) and smelling SO good.  Not too many scents were appealing to me for awhile, but this stuff is heaven.
9. Bella Band ($12 @ Target)- Since I refuse to buy maternity pants of any kind, the bella band has allowed me to wear most of my regular jeans and pants so far.  I've heard it's also important to support your baby bump as it grows!
10. Blogger- As you would know from my first blog, I started this to help myself.  I needed to process and record my thoughts as my pregnancy progressed.  It has turned into an addiction!  I know I'll appreciate having this blog to look back on as life moves so quickly!
11. Old Navy Jersey Sundresses ($15)- South Carolina is HOT.  And 112 degree weather does not mix well with pregnant girls and alot of clothing.  Enter this dress.  I have 3.  They're comfy, cute, versatile, and perfect for growing bellies!  Non-maternity too!

There you have it!  Some of my very favorite things for this season!  And now... 

26 Week Update:

How far along? 26 Weeks
Total weight gain:This question is stupid.
Maternity clothes?Still prefer regular clothing in big sizes..
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: I'm waking up earlier and earlier!  Feeling very productive..let's hope this keeps happening.
Best moment this week: I had the best quality time with my mom and sister this week.  We made a day thrifting and searching for deals on stuff to use for pinterest projects!  Heaven.  We had a lake day with some great friends yesterday...And today we bought new couches!  Can't wait to get them out of storage and into our new living room!  2 Weeks!
Miss Anything? so much.  The tanning bed, sleeping on my back, painting my toenails..
He is rolling around a ton!  Late at night it gets pretty uncomfortable as he shifts around.
Food cravings:no real "cravings".. loving some candy corn these days.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no!  knock on wood.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None yet.. I keep waiting for Braxton Hicks.  I'm morbidly curious but terrified at the same time!
Symptoms:Still dealing with the tender spot above my belly button.  And I can't walk up stairs or get out of the car without sounding like an 80 yr old smoker.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?Off.  Still debating the ring tat.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  It has been a really great week...and we're getting closer and closer to our big move!
Looking forward to: Getting settled into our new home.  I go to sleep and wake up thinking about furniture placement, paint colors, meal plans, and creating a cleaning schedule. Who am I?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

25 Weeks

Getting back into the swing of things after a week at the beach is always hard.  But, the countdown to Moving Day is officially on.  We make the treck in just over 2 weeks!  Matt and I are so excited for this new season.  I'm feeling very expectant (and not just 'cause I'm prego. haha) about what God has for us.  We're overflowing with ideas and vision! 

Living with my parents the past few weeks has been such an amazing blessing.  I'm very close with my family and having this intimate time with them before moving and baby arrives has been sweet.  They're so giving and self-less with all that God has blessed them with and Matt and I are truly thankful for them.

I'm ready to unpack.  I'm tired of living out of a suitcase.  I'm ready to be settled.
Pregnant Girl needs to nest!

In other news: I decided on a major this week!  Until now I've been enrolled in Liberty's Interdisciplinary Studies program... which basically meant I had no stinking clue what I wanted to do.  After deciding to pursue my B.S. in Religion with a minor in Church Ministries, I realized I'm 40% done with my degree already!  What?! Still a long road to go, but I'm much farther along than I thought possible!  (To SCSL fam- almost all of my Valley Forge credits transferred with this degree.)

Also, I'm finally posting Baby Announcement Pics!
Here are my favorites:
Take note:  My husband. :)
This sums up how we've felt: "Is this happening?  Yep. Get ready."
Thanks to my awesome and beautiful little sis for making these pics happen!  We'll have maternity pics taken later..

And last but not least:  25 Week Update.
I'm super late getting this posted (I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow..).  Oops.

How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain: I am outgrowing my fat pants... If that gives you any idea.
Maternity clothes? If I could live in sweat pants I would.
Stretch marks? No, praise God.
Sleep: Sleep at the beach was..minimal.  Now that I'm home, sleep has never been better! (minus the 6-7 bathroom trips a night)
Best moment this week: Relaxing on the beach with my family... and then coming home. haha
Miss Anything? the tanning bed.  I know, I know.. I'm a bad person.
Mostly in the early morning and right before I go to sleep.  If I haven't felt him move in a while I get panicky.  I guess maternal instincts really do kick in at some point. ;)
Food cravings: One day this week I really really wanted flaky buttermilk biscuits.  Craving?  Maybe.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been throw-up free for 2 weeks now!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms:I've developed a really tender spot about an inch above my belly button... I'm told it's nothing to be worried about.. but noone warned me!  It hurts to move!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? Officially off.  I'm terrified that if I leave them on I'll eventually have to get them cut off!  Matt and I have discussed ring tattoos so everyone can see I'm married. ;)
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy.. although I've definitely noticed some irritability.. not sure if that's hormones or because I'm so stinkin' uncomfortable.
Looking forward to: Christmas!  I think about it all the time.  Just check out my Pinterest...