Tuesday, July 24, 2012

McBaby Gear I'm Likin'

As I'm approaching the 3rd trimester, the reality of having a little boy is slapping me in the face!  Time to buckle down and try to prepare!  I've spent some time researching baby gear and let me say... there is so much crap out there.  I don't even know where to begin.  So, normally I get overwhelmed and just go browse the cute knitted baby hats on Etsy.com. ha!  I have made some progress on what kind of stuff I do and don't want.

I've had to get started on a baby registry as some of the greatest friends and family in the world have offered to throw baby showers!  Mostly, Matt and I want diapers, diapers, and more diapers... But, here are some other items that I really like!  I hate pastels and other "baby-ish" patterns.  No giraffes or sheep or really patterns of any kind, much to Matt's dismay. (He likes color!) I go for clean lines, black, minimal.  Anyone who knows me will not be surprised...

1.  Graco Aprica Haven OpenAir Play Yard ($129):  I love this because it is the least ugly pack-n-play I've seen!  It's also light, practical and easy to set up.

2. Britax B-Agile Stroller ($209):  Love this because it's also light, practical, easy on (my) eyes and is safe for infants and toddlers.

3. Joovy Nook High Chair ($139):  High chairs are ugly.  All of them.  Except for this one!  It's also easy to clean, the tray swings open, and easily travels.

4. Jerry Garcia Onesie by TheWishingElephant on Etsy.com ($22):  I cannot tell you how much I love this.  I grew up listening to the Grateful Dead with my dad and immediately sent him a screenshot of this.  He's even offered to buy this for his first grandson!

5.Vest and Tie Onesie by MadiBethCreations on Etsy.com ($23):  So what if I have a hipster baby?

6. Baby Geekery/Nerd Onesie by TheWishingElephant on Etsy.com ($18):  O.M.G.  I know my kid will be the smartest kid alive and this outfit will be proof.  Also, I'm obsessed with quirky and unique onesies.  Sorry, baby.

7. Green Monster Newborn Hat by FashionTouch on Etsy.com ($30):  Newborn picture must have.  Matt is excited to refer to our child as his "little monster" for some reason..so, when I saw this I fell in love.

Don't worry, I know alot of baby gear can be bought at Once Upon A Child or off of Craigslist for a fraction of these prices.  I just wanted some direction as to exactly the kind of stroller/highchair/play yard I wanted... Rest assured, I will be scouring discount stores and websites for gently used versions of my favorite stuff!  (The Etsy onesies will be splurges.  I can't get around it.)

I'll be posting some of the stuff that has helped me survive pregnancy next!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

24 Weeks

The past week was eventful!  I went camping with my parents and baby sister in Cherokee, NC.  We go every summer and I am so thankful for our vacation memories!  Matt had to work..missed him a ton.  We're home for the weekend and we leave Tuesday for a week at the beach!  Matt so deserves a vacation and this will probably be our last extended beach trip before little man makes his appearance..  

24 Weeks:

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain: Again... avoiding the scales.
Maternity clothes? Some.  Wearing sun dresses almost every day to try and beat the heat.  At home I stick with sweats. :)
Stretch marks? None!
Sleep: I have been so hot at night!  Not sure if it's because I'm pregnant or if my parents house is just a furnace.
Best moment this week: My family went tubing while in Cherokee and we had a BLAST!  2 hours floating down the river always promises good conversation and a LOT of laughs.  Of course, getting a smooch from Matt after not seeing him for 4 days was pretty great.
Miss Anything? This will probably always be my answer... I miss being a normal size!  Yes, I should embrace pregnancy..but, I feel so huge! And, I have a whole trimester to go.. ugh.
 Tons!  Matt and I went to see the Dark Knight Rises yesterday and baby was going nuts the entire time!  I'm thinking the loud noises and heavy bass in the theater contributed to his aerobics.
Food cravings: Nada.  Still drinking a lot of milk.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I got a wiff of chocolate today and started gagging.  Very strange.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Developed the weird brown line down my belly.  It's called linea negra and supposedly is common in women with darker skin.. I guess this is what I get for all my tanning? (not a scientific theory. ;))
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  It is not a good feeling. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: The beach!  And being done with my glucose test on Tuesday.  I'm really dreading more bloodwork (I do not do well with needles), but getting it over with will be something to celebrate!

Short and sweet this week, but I really wanted to get an update posted.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

23 Weeks

I thought I would start documenting my pregnancy.  I have really been a slacker at taking pictures or journaling about my experience, and I know I'm going to regret it!  No time like the present to begin!

A few weeks ago we had some early maternity pics taken by my wonderful sister.. here's a sneak peak!

20 wk ultrasound pic
Let me say, I have always been a little weirded about ultrasound pictures posted on social media for everyone to see.  But, I am not your typical mommy-to-be.  I feel like I've resisted being pregnant from the beginning, and it is futile. (ha!)  After taking some cute pictures and buying new clothes that FIT, I feel better about myself and more comfortable being open about my personal experience with pregnancy.  So here's a look at baby....in utero!

To be clear, I am extremely excited about our little one!  Matt and I, although we feel extremely unprepared, are stoked to be parents!  It is being pregnant that has caused me to shut down a little.  I wasn't expecting the sudden physical changes or the overwhelming attention!  But, now we're halfway there..and I want to embrace all that mommy-to-be-ness has to offer.  (Still, strangers touching my tummy is not acceptable.  It never will be. There are some things I just can't embrace. :) )

Here's the most exciting news...

McBaby is a Boy!
Is anyone surprised?  I didn't think so... 
We are beyond thrilled!

Here are some highlights:

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: ALOT. I'm afraid to know a number.
Maternity clothes? I HATE maternity clothes.  But, I LOVE the Bella Band.  Because of it I'm still in my "fat" jeans. Also, I love sun dresses (in bigger sizes) and other normal shirts bought in larger-than-usual sizes.
Stretch marks? No, praise God.
Sleep: other than 5-6 bathroom trips a night, great!
Best moment this week: Matt finally got to feel some of the baby somersaults! The huge smile he got when he felt baby kick is now one of my favorite memories.
Miss Anything? My clothes! I DREAM about wearing my normal jeans and going shopping for a dress withOUT an empire waist.
He moves a ton! Especially first thing in the morning and when I first lay down at night.
Food cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary.. I love milk, but that is not unusual.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Grilled chicken is never going to appeal to me again. Gag.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No and let's keep it that way.
Symptoms: weight gain and some nausea
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? On! But, I have experienced some swelling in my fingers (Carolina heat may have something to do with that.)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Camping with my family this week and a beach vacation next week!  Matt deserves a vacation and it will be our last one before baby is here!